Top 7 Fundraising Ideas

Thousands of kids every year strap on their helmet and march out onto the field to enjoy the wonderful game called American Football. Whether it’s Pop-Warner, Elementary School, High School or Collegiate football, one thing is certain, kids and adults both love playing easy church fundraisers ideas this great game. Along with the love for this game, come the high costs associated with it. Unfortunately, football is one of the most expensive sports in the U.S. to play as a kid. Some of the expenses include, equipment, coaching, travel, league fees and referee fees. Along with high costs to play, comes kids who are not able to participate. This is where football fundraising ideas comes in.

Football fundraisers are the backbone to any solid football program. Due to the high costs, fundraising needs to take place every single year in order for these programs to survive. Some programs fundraise multiple times a year and other only once. It’s picking the right football fundraising ideas for your program will determine how many times you fundraise each year.

When looking at football fundraising ideas, you need to determine one thing, what will sell the easiest and for the most money. The easier the product is to sell, the more sales are made. The higher priced football fundraisers that are sold, bring in more money per sale. Combine these two and you are looking at a powerful football fundraiser that will raise quite a bit of money for your program. Let’s look at candy bars, yes, they might sell pretty easy, but you raise such a small amount per candy bar sold. Same with other things like lollipops, cookies, donuts etc. In addition to these not being big ticket items, do supporters really want these football fundraising ideas? I don’t think so, some might be nice and buy one, but they probably will just throw it away or give it away.

So, where to look first then when looking at football fundraisers? Fundraising discount cards is the #1 option for football teams. Fundraising cards sell for ten to twenty dollars and usually return 50%. That means with every single card sold, you will either receive 5 or 10 dollars. Do you know how many candy bars or lollipops you need to sell just to make the same amount as selling just 1 discount card? A lot. That takes care of the high ticket item that returns quite a bit of money per sale. Now, how easy are the cards to sell? Well, if you find a solid discount card fundraiser to sell, supporters will love them. One thing is for sure, people love saving money. So if you are selling high quality fundraising cards, they should sell like “hot cakes.”


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